Sunday, June 16, 2013

You can take the man out of Facilities

But you can't take Facilities out of the man.

In addition to being the worship leader, I have found myself in several other roles here in the Back2Back group house. Let's take a look at a few of those roles:

1) PLUMBER. I have taken over a small share of plumberly duties when they are called for after the staffers have gone home. Twice in the past week I've put in hours beyond my pay grade unclogging toilets. One of the lucky things that comes with being the only male intern/summer staff taking residency in the house. Though I am more than happy to deploy my skills gleaned from years of maintenance and custodial work.

2) EXTERMINATOR. I am the resident bug slayer. I've previously regaled my epic encounter with Señor Cucaracha and my nemesis. I have since crossed a particularly large specimen of Satan's fury off my hit list, as well as been on constant mosquito execution duty.

I keep getting these two particular ads on my sidebars, and I feel they are actually a pretty accurate depiction of certain aspects of life here. Except it's not just a little spam game for me; it's real life.

3) GARBAGE DISPOSAL. Though I suppose this is not really a newfound role, I am frequently the recipient of food that would otherwise be put in the trash. 

4) LAUGH TRACK. Not a single day or night went by last week that did not find attention drawn to my small eruptions of mirth. Dream with me for a moment. Sometimes I wish I could just laugh like a normal person. I understand that, "Oh, we're not making fun of you, we love your laugh! It's so great! We like your laugh; it makes us laugh with you!" And thank you, that's very kind. But it's like Brad Pitt going to Wendy's. Sometimes he just wants a Baconator. He doesn't want to be called Benjamin Button or Tyler while he's getting a Frosty. He just wants to get a Frosty. It's great that you're a big fan, and I appreciate the support, but I'm just here for my fries. 

That's just a little taste of the extracurricular responsibilities with which I've been gifted here in the group house.

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