Friday, May 31, 2013

A little-known tidbit: when you go to Mexico, lots of your internets turn to Spanish.

I've arrived safely. Had a couple fun little fun stuffs on the way down with my flights. Upon arriving at the Detroit airport and attempting to check in, I was greeted with an error message informing me that "[My] ticket assignment does not match [my] itinerary." The brilliant minds of United Airlines overbooked my flight and were now faced with the situation of, "How do we get this fine gentleman standing before us to Houston?" Brushing my shaggy blonde hair out of my eyes and with a upturned nose, I primly inquired as to their proposal on how to rectify the problem. Abashedly avoiding my superior gaze, the puny peons squeaked out the suggestion of seating me on a later flight, with a pathetic attempt to appease in the form of a meal voucher.  With scoff and wave of my hand, I reluctantly agreed to their amended terms, guaranteeing them a promptly delivered letter of formal complaint from both my attorney and my mommy.

Sorry. I'm reading Ted Dekker right now and everyone in his books has shaggy blonde hair.

They had overbooked my flight to Houston, so they put me on a later flight and gave me some meal vouchers. Worked out well. Instead of sitting in Houston for 6 hours without food, I sat in Detroit for 6 hours with two free meals. Nice.

Ended up having my flight in Houston delayed a little bit. Wasn't too bad, but for some reason, that extra half an hour felt longer than two hours in Detroit. Maybe just a long day. It twas a long day, though. Ended up being about 14 hours of travel. Got a green light at Mexican customs, though, so that was pretty baller.

In case you're not familiar, now it's time for:


There's this gate that has a button you push, and if the green light lights up, you walk right through, but if the red light lights up, you get your luggage searched. Last time I was in Mexico, I got the red light. This time, I got the green light. What up.

So yeah, now I'm here. Spent the day getting settled in, ate lunch at one of the staff families' house. Ate like 10 tostadas. First group gets here tomorrow morning. Jumping right into it.

That's about it for now. Stay tuned for the next episode, where we discuss how to make a 20-minute casserole out of Lay's Stax and peanut butter.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Space... the Final Frontier.

These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Her ongoing mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life forms and new civilizations, to boldly go where no one has gone before.

A week from today, well, actually today is now technically Friday. dang it.

Start over.

A week from yesterday, I will be leaving for my second sojourn to the planet of Mexico. Her ongoing mission: to hang out with orphans, to play music and lead people in worship, to boldly go where lots of Americans have gone on vacation before but don't realize that it's a city with a lot of need so I'm going to be working at orphanages and other community groups to reach the impoverished areas of Cancún with the love of the gospel of Jesus Christ because he's awesome and his love covers a lifetime of pain and sin.